Something Newsworthy is Coming…

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In the past, you may have seen flyers posted on the mailboxes, even the Board has been guilty of this, but those mailboxes are actually property of the federal government and posting on them is illegal. We have also noticed flyers being posted on light posts too (which some READ MORE → “Something Newsworthy is Coming…”

Trash Pickup Day Change Coming in Jan 2021

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Our trash and recycle (and by recycle I mean our second blue trash can, as City of Surprise no longer recycles for the time being) pick up day will be changing to Wednesday in January. This is effective Jan 3rd. This mean our current trash pickup day would have been … READ MORE → “Trash Pickup Day Change Coming in Jan 2021”

Halloween Potluck and Costume Contest Photos

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The Halloween Potluck turned out to be a great day. We had quite a turn out in the end as more people showed up about half thru the event.

A few other brought food and candy somehow they even started dancing in the basketball court.

Please stay tuned as we … READ MORE → “Halloween Potluck and Costume Contest Photos”