It’s No Trick, Snag This Treat Tonight!

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During tonight’s Halloween Party, if you participate in the costume or pumpkin carving contests, one winner from each will take home a custom crafted Halloween themed LED lit shadow box, created by yours truly, HOA President, Jason.

Don’t want to dress up or carve a pumpkin, no problem, you … READ MORE → “It’s No Trick, Snag This Treat Tonight!”

Halloween Pizza & Pumpkins Party

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halloween items on round table

It’s the best time of year.. when you get to eat all the candy you want without any consequences.. or so we all wish! But that doesn’t mean we don’t eat candy anyway. Or pizza. Or pumpkin pies. Or turkey. Or.. well you get the idea. So why not come … READ MORE → “Halloween Pizza & Pumpkins Party”

More Downed Trees & Erosion & Other Updates

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Storm Damages

The recent storm has once again knocked down a couple more trees on Acoma. The HOA is already on top of these and they should be cleared soon.

Park Erosion

The clean up around the playground area and sandlot is still underway. We had a few supply shortages … READ MORE → “More Downed Trees & Erosion & Other Updates”

Vandalism & Theft Will Not Be Tolerated

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einbrecher hebeln fenster ture auf und steigen ins haus ein

In recent weeks, the community has had sprinklers broken, value boxes had wires cut, the new shed was broken into, the new message board has had all of the push pins removed, kids placed their homework in it and section titles that were printed just for the message board were … READ MORE → “Vandalism & Theft Will Not Be Tolerated”

Update on Landscaping – April/May 2022

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Jim from Poor Daddy Landscaping has been asked by the Board to give updates on the current state of the community grounds and progress done to take care of it. Here is a list of updates from him:

Weed Spray

  • We have completed the weed spray and the weeds have
READ MORE → “Update on Landscaping – April/May 2022”