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Meet Your Neighbors Community BBQ – May 2021

Follow the annual meeting, rescheduled for Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 6:00 PM, we will be having a “Meet Your Neighbor BBQ” event. As this will start just after the meeting, a suggested start time will be 7:00 PM but it may start earlier.

We will be grilling hot dogs on one of the new grills that will be installed prior to the meeting. Both parks will be getting new grills and trashcans but the BBQ will be held in the larger park. Additional details will be made available soon, as we are still working out some things, but we will be providing sides, ice cold drinks, paper plates, plastic utensils and condiments and there will also be tables and chairs available.

This is a community event and should be limited to residents only. However, if you have friends and family visiting feel free to bring them.

The event is finished.


May 25 2021


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM