As your Board President it was brought to my attention a FaceBook post that had a few questions I am more than willing to address.
First, David Gillies owned a home in GWP2 and was Board President. He has over 30 years high level business experience. A number of residents including the current Board asked for some of his insights when CMC cancelled their contract and prior Board President left. He will be happy to answer any call 1-630-240-7022. Please leave a message and he will call you back to discuss your concerns. David Gillies does this Pro Bono.
The community website was undertaken as emergency measure when CMC departed to give residents much needed information when confusion reigned. I do monitor the website and make additions of content that provides information and updates to our recent significant progress.
The Annual meeting was changed when there was discovery of HOA law that mandated a prior vacated Board position be up for election. The minutes from a prior community meeting were to have been recorded by CMC which did not occur.
The entire Board is more than willing to address any questions and request your attendance at the upcoming Annual meeting. There is an abundance of positive efforts to report. Or if you’d like, please contact the HOA Board directly and submit your concerns.