New Landscaper 2024

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In the past 6 or 7 years, this community has been through a number of landscapers.


To put it lightly, they weren’t good enough. They gave excuses as to why things weren’t getting done, rather than just doing them. We had to walk the property with them, showing how “we want things done” even though they were regular things any landscaper should be doing on a regular basis, but they would say “that’s above and beyond regular.” You’d think we were asking them to make this place look like Disneyland, when all we wanted was to ensure weeds were sprayed, bushes were trimmed, plants were maintained, trash was picked up, the grass was cut and things that needed water, got it.

But excuse after excuse, lack of results seen, can’t follow basic landscaping principles, these can only be accepted so many times before you realize they’re not just excuses but rather things just are not working out with whatever current landscaper at the time; and mind you, some of these were big chain companies, and one said huge company, does, in fact, take care of Disney properties. I’m not naming names, but this same company actually told us that they didn’t have a shovel to help remove weeds or ensure the granite wasn’t sliding down the hills around the parks.

What did we do about them?

After having many of these bigger landscapers not work out, a couple years ago we tried something different; we hired a small, local, family owned landscape company.. and you know what, they were immediately better than any of the bigger “competitors” of theirs. I put that in quotes because there was no comparison. This smaller landscaper was miles above of the ones I’ve seen since being a HOA Board member.

So what happened?

Honestly, I don’t know. Things just started slipping. But there were no excuses given, just started seeing fading results; and they weren’t just seen by me, but by others, by residents and the issues they’ve seen were brought up to the Board, and as much as I liked that landscaper, the Board started to listen. At the time was basically myself, Jason, and Anthony. At certain points that also included, Wayne, Zack or Amy.

Quite a few times we have talked about using any residents with businesses that we could utilize within the community. Pest control, electrical, painting, and landscaping. I know we have a few businesses like that in the community, but they may not be owned by said resident, and that’s not what we want. We want resident owned businesses because a resident that lives in our community would have a vested interest in helping the community. They would, in theory, want to do a better job, because they live here and want the community, the place where they live, to good and run great. That is, after all, what us on the HOA Board do. It is why we wanted to be on the HOA Board. And we don’t get paid for being on the HOA Board!

Who is the new landscaper?

Well, before I answer, I must refer to my last post about the elect results. We had new Board members. Board members that agreed, it was time for a change in landscapers. That Board being, me, of course, I’m still on as President, Brian was voted on and will be Vice President, and Amy, who was filling Zack’s seat after he left just months before the election, was voted on and will be Treasurer. This means that Anthony is longer on the Board. Which is great for the community! While he and I made a great team and contributed our time and ideas to helping this community look and run just that much better, he will now make a great landscaper.

Anthony, along with his wife, Brittany, have started their own landscaping business, A&B Lawn and Landscape. They are our new community landscaper! And no, the HOA Board didn’t just vote to use them as our landscaper because Anthony was also a Board member, we voted for them for several reasons:

  • For one, as we mentioned, Anthony is a resident. A resident that now has a business owned by a resident. A business that the community can utilize. A business ran by residents that have that vested interest in the comminity.
  • Anthony and Brittany are both hard workers. They are both Veterans. And they both care about the community. Anthony being on the Board and Brittany helping run and organize many of the Halloween and Easter events that we’ve had over the past few years.
  • Anthony has past experience as a landscaper, not to mention as a great mechanic.
  • A&B has competitive rates. In fact, the contract is on par with our previous landscaper.
  • Plus, they’re on-site, meaning, if there is an issue or emergency, they can get to it quicker than any other landscaper would’ve been able to.
  • Also, being that they’re on-site and a resident, if they don’t do a great job, they will hear about it. They will hear comments from other residents about how things look. And if things are not looking good.. it’s all on them. And that’s not going to feel good hearing that you’re not doing a good job, especially for Anthony. If you know him like I do, then you know hearing something like that is personal, and it will push him to do even better.
  • But the number 1 reason I wanted to vote for them, is because I know I don’t have to tell them how to do things. They know what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, what’s needs to be addressed each week regardless of what section of the community they are working in, and I know it will be done right, because Anthony was one of those residents who complained about the previous landscapers. He and Wayne, were the ones they saw things not being done. Wayne would take walks and talk to the landscapers, while Anthony can be seen taking runs around the community.

So I know the community is in good hands with A&B Lawn and Landscape!

Oh, and A&B also offers pool maintenance service and has residents in the community as clients.

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